Workshop on Interventional Pulmonology

Workshop on Interventional Pulmonology (WIP)

  • December 05th, 2024
  • Bombay Hospital and medical research centre

“Workshop on lnterventional Pulmonology WIP, Diagnostics" which was a single day event comprising of didactic talks with interactive discussions, followed by hands-on training at the Bombay Hospital & Institute of Medical Sciences in Mumbai.

Great care was taken to design this course to suit postgraduates in respiratory medicine to facilitate an in-depth understanding of all diagnostic techniques in interventional bronchoscopy. We had renowned experts in the field visiting Mumbai who shared their experience and knowledge.
It featured presentations and hands-on sessions covering various interventional techniques in pulmonology, such as bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, and pleural procedures. Experts in the field shared their knowledge and experience, and participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in interventional pulmonology.
We had 24 faculty both national and international, and the workshop was attended by 64 delegates.

The Workshop on Interventional Pulmonology was a resounding success, providing valuable insights and fostering collaboration among participants. The event contributed significantly to the advancement of interventional pulmonology and laid the groundwork for future developments in the field.